Dr Morgan Tsvangirai – Birthday Photos
12 March 2012
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Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai turned 60 at the weekend while on his tour of the ancient city of Masvingo, and a party was held for him. PHOTOS:
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36 Replies to “Dr Morgan Tsvangirai – Birthday Photos”

  1. Varume muchasvotwa mukazvirega izvi zvatsvangison.Ko iwo wamunoti wakachera chikoro watiitireyi?Basa rekuondonga nyika.Mbavha!heya imi muri kutuka Morgan ndimi muri kudya neZanu.Ndowe dzevanhu!lmbwa!Tichamuda kusvika zvanaka!

  2. asi makupa ma GMO degrees kani?ok by the way he was honoured? briliant ,hope he will behave like DR………..kikiikiikikkkkkkkkkkkkkiest musndisetsa pliz

  3. Ki ki ki ki ki Richie Moyo unoutukirwa mubvunzo iwowo. I’m surprised with this development. So the press is now starving us with real newsworth information. When Mapfumo and Muzenda received their honorary degrees and when VP J Mujuru earned her first degree, it was all over the press. How come, Morgan Richard Tsvangirai, always labelled a dump, dull and deft person, after acquiring such a milestone achievement in his history, the press decided to give a blackout on this? Saka tirikuti kunyepa, manyepo aya ndidzo nhema hapana dhigomu chero rekugilwa. Stop doctoring him please unless you want to say Witch Doctor Tsvangirai.

  4. Doctorate nderake,saka zvinoshamisa izvozvo.kana imi musina musaite godo,asi chinoshamisa ndechekuti pandakaita rangu hapana akambotaura nezvazvo.

  5. KANA MUKATAURA SEI AVE NAYO DOCTORATE YACHO FOREVER.AND HE IS THE PRIME MINISTER OF ZIMBABWE, GET IT INTO YOUR HEADS ANA bla miki , chomoto , bondi ,chando kupisa etc , the lot of you have nothing , you just small people , YOU HEAR, IDI..TS

  6. ……..AND HE IS THE PRIME MINISTER OF ZIMBABWE, GET IT INTO YOUR HEADS ANA bla miki , chomoto , bondi ,chando kupisa etc , the lot of you have nothing , you just small people , YOU HEAR, IDI..TS

  7. KUTAURA hangu chokwadi- FROM here in LONDON- tsvangirai wateva HANDITOMBOMUONI Zvangu. Only when sum1 wants 2 craete a STORY isipo- HAANA DHIRI munhu uyu!
    GET OFF MY A**.

  8. Happy birthday President.SAVE,chikara che zanu, siyanai nepwere vana bla miki.kungowatata.zvipopi zvine hasha than buldog.

  9. Dont 4get Dr Joshua Nkomo…..Dr Kenneth Kaunda….the list is endless….zvaipa nhasi nokuti ndi Tsvangson.
    Im more interested in Doctorate rava Gono

  10. Dr Muzenda had an honorary doctorate from UZ yet he didn’t even have the Zim Jumping Cows certificate…Thomas Mapfumo has one too from Ohio State & even your dear Governor Gono has one from UZ and was using it well before he got his “proper” one earned on his behalf we hear by his former advisor…so you see many people with no academic record or capacity to attain one have them and hence why its called an honorary degree. Why dwell on trivial things when your country burns?

  11. kurwadziwa nambuya akazvigomerera mwana wavo svaaa mboko dzevanhu ndosaka mune minwe inonhuhwa nekutaipa zvenhando.

  12. I am sure he also has grand children that need a story teller. At that age , he could be quite good too. All day long and everyday too. Bvumawo wachembera , kwete zvekudhaya bvudzi izvo.

  13. munoswera kusvora vamwe imi munei vana huni ngadziwe tivane tsotso,vana pombiyadonha dzvinyu risina mambawa,vana mapwanya hosho, mabora ngoma ,imbwa dzinodya madhodhi kumusha,shiti venyu mese,imi mainzi endai kuchikoro muchienda kuchitoro makabuda nemaU chete,certificate yacho hamuna kana kupihwa

  14. Zimeye is very desparate in their quest to Hero worship MDC and its leader selout.DR Tsvangirai ……my foot.The man failed o level maths.He is dull lik Naked.

  15. Yes, we all need to know phd yake ndeyei? How can one be conferred with a doctorate when he doesn’t have an ordinary level education, asi kwava nema GMO degrees kani?

  16. Kikikikiki which university did he go to? Thus y shona claim that they are educated now this one is called a Dr the other one( BoB) a spirit medium

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