Dr Tsvangirai holds a “genuine Doctorate”
16 March 2012
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Contrary to protests from readers who have dismissed Prime Minister Morgan Richard Tsvangirai’s holding of a doctorate certificate, it is accurate that the PM holds a Doctorate of Laws, ZimEye has been told.
Some readers attacked ZimEye over a story pertaining Tsvangirai’s birthday party in Masvingo which had photographs of MDC-T members as they carried a large portrait of the PM marked: “Happy Birthday- Dr Richard Morgan Tsvangirai.” Others who called ZimEye suggested that the photos were computer-manufactured.
But ZimEye has been told that the PM “was conferred with an honorary degree of Doctor of Laws by Pai Chai University when he visited South Korea recently. Tsvangirai’s is the 13th such honorary degree conferred to an individual in the 125-year history of this United Methodist Church institution”

A reading on Tsvangirai’s website also states that: “Pai Chai University is ranked 8th out of the 400 institutions of higher learning in the Republic Korea and is regarded as a centre of technological excellence in the Korean peninsula.”

32 Replies to “Dr Tsvangirai holds a “genuine Doctorate””

  1. Kana Gono akanyorerwa neKereke mati Tsvangison ndiye adiiko. Pamwe angave nani pane zvatakaitirwa naGono kwemakore ese aya. Munhu wepi?

  2. usually people who are given honarary degrees donbt go on to use such titles ngaashandise mister yake yaakapuhwa nemabritish vakati murume anonzi mr kana ava kuda kuita doctor onyorawo mathesis ake ekuvhura mazip pese paaona mukadzi

  3. Guys, this korean university, isn’t it as good as our own Herentals College? I don’t know of anyone who went to study in a korean university. That aside, who witnessed the handover of this dhigomu to the puppet? Was did we have a blackout on this issue? Kunyepa uku hapana chaakapiwa dzegu uyu

  4. Its just an honour bantu! He can never claim to be a lawyers because he has not legal training.
    He should be careful to let his fans call him Doctor all the time, because one of them will collapse in his presence and they will expect Dr Tsvangirayi to do something, and actually he can’t do nothing because he is no Doctor

  5. Maybe he should have been given a doctorate in Social Policy, Social Studies, or even just Politics – dont you think that would have made sense?

  6. Handitambire zvemahara ipai vana Chematama venyu ivavo,the interesting thing is no serious university in Zim will ever give him one. You can go and get as many as you want in the far east where you can even get a doctorate in planting rice. Kana iye Chematama arikutonyara nazvo, manje vana Wezhira, Popi Yembwa neime tsuro yemubhuku iyi, Jesu, kutoita manyemwe nazvo kani,kikikikikiki.

  7. I am sure, it makes sense for Tsvangirai not to use the letters.In fact the problem is with the followers.The PM is an ordinary humble guy who could do well without these degrees.


  9. thats an insult to the legal profession kana chematama akanzi ane laws doctorate. why didnt they choose another field yekumupa. my advise, ngaaridzorere apiwe reagriculture. zvinotorema mukanwa kuti dr tsvangi

  10. Imbwa iwewe Chndo une degree waribepi? Asi ndeyekuRussia amakapiwa nanaMahoso vanemeso anenge eMuBushman

  11. Taura zvako wezhira.As for you Sarah,I understand that you are a new comer/late comer,hence you are still confused.You don’t know about these things.Dr Morgiza deserves this honorary

  12. you may have your own doctorate or degree. But you haven’t been honoured by anyone. you can honour yourself if you want. “kutengesa nyika”….you have been so brainswashed. he did not apply for it. leave him alone. I think the degree that you have nderekushora. iroro hairide.

  13. Rangu ndakazvishandira kwete ekupiwa nekuti unogona kataura kana kutengesa nyika yako,just check the country that “conferred him with the degree”.

  14. An honorary degree or a degree honoris causa (Latin: “for the sake of the honor”) is an academic degree for which a university (or other degree-awarding institution) has waived the usual requirements, such as matriculation, residence, study, and the passing of examinations. The degree is typically a doctorate or, less commonly, a master’s degree, and may be awarded to someone who has no prior connection with the academic institution.
    Usually the degree is conferred as a way of honoring a distinguished visitor’s contributions to a specific field, or to society in general. The university often derives benefits by association with the person in question.
    May you please cut the Honorable Dr. Morgan Tsvangirai some slack please. He does not need media to prop-up or authenticate his qualification. After all it’s honorary – he is simply being acknowledged for a life achievement. Don’t ask me what!

  15. Taura wezhira. Vana Gono chokwadi chakabuda kuti vakakanda fear vamwe kuti vawane ma doctorates acho vakaomberera, jealous chete. Even pagonwa ne chinja vanoti nxcaaaa. Ibvai apa.
    Ko da uri iwe chando? Mugabe anawo wani. Akambotaura nezve flea market ndiani.

  16. Holy shit, i nw undastand it wen Mukanya said nyika ino izere mbwende. and all yu guyz attacking Morgan for his honorary degree muri mbwende to say the least.Munorwadziwa nedegree risinei nemi bt Zanu pairi kuloota nyika munoomberera. Imbwa dzavanhu!!!!

  17. where exactly is the problem here? he was conferred with an honorary degree. is that a reason to attack the man? and what has Zimeye done wrong?

  18. Thus y he does not understand the constitution of his party,he should have paved way for prof NCUBE but they ended up splitting he’s worse than Bob

  19. Zimeye pliz tinyareiwo plus tipei ma serious othawiz we will boycott reading yo kindergaten stories

  20. Its an honour only, the awarding university can even take it back so cde naked don’t worry

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