Kenya Like Zimbabwe Also Holding Elections In March 2013
7 December 2012
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The Kenyan nation is holding national elections in March 2013, it has emerged.
Coincidentally March 2013 is President Robert Mugabe’s projection for Zimbabwe’s national elections as well, despite objections raised by the two MDC parties.
Kenya, like Zimbabwe has also been working on a new constitution which they finalised and canonised in 2010. The two countries also share similarities in that they have two main opposing parties headed by young revolutionaries who are contesting with die-hard elderly politicians.
General elections will be held in Kenya on 4 March 2013 and the polls will be conducted to elect the President, Senators, County Governors, Members of Parliament, Civic Wards and Women County Representatives.
These elections in Kenya would be the first elections held under the new constitution, which was passed during the 2010 referendum. They will also be the first general elections run by the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission.
Due to the terms of the new constitution it could also be the first presidential election in Kenya where the candidates face a second round run-off between the first and the second if no-one achieves a stipulated majority in the first round or if the winner does not get 25% of the votes in at least half of the counties.

6 Replies to “Kenya Like Zimbabwe Also Holding Elections In March 2013”

  1. Mavambo, that’s exactly the problem, the “experiments” have been forced by those who believe it is their God-given right to govern, even against the will of their people. I would NOT blame any “external exploiters” here, we should learn to take responsibility for our actions. Situations in Kenya, Ivory Coast, Zimbabwe all speak of an internal hegemony by one party over others and absolute refusal to accept rejection by some incumbents. Mugabe rejected and refused, Kibaki rejected and refused, Gbagbo rejected and refused. It all points to one thing: political immaturity and tyranny. That’s what we face, and hence we have to rely on other people to solve our problems, through dubious power-sharing agreements!

  2. Mavambo, that’s exactly the problem, the “experiments” have been forced by those who believe it is their God-given right to govern, even against the will of their people. I would blame any “external exploiters” here, we should learn to take responsibility for our actions. Situations in Kenya, Ivory Coast, Zimbabwe all speak of an internal hegemony by one party over others and absolute refusal to accept rejection by some incumbents. Mugabe rejected and refused, Kibaki rejected and refused, Gbagbo rejected and refused. It all points to one thing: political immaturity and tyranny. That’s what we face, and hence we have to rely on other people to solve our problems, through dubious power-sharing agreements!

  3. I hear some Professor in a western university will publish extensively on how to bastardize governments in Africa and soin-offs for neo-imperialism, dominance and manipulation of nations. The experiment started in Kenya, moved to Zimbabwe and spread to Ivory Coast but nearly backfired in Libya. There are too many political experiments happening on our continent. We want free and fair elections which produce one clear winner. I don’t mind s/he will not be my choice, as long as s/he wins fairly and squarely, that should settle the matter! We are tired of dubious political arrangements that only benefit antagonists and external exploiters while the majority suffer.

  4. Zimbabwe is 100 years ahead of Kenya thanks to Cde President.We have gone through land reform and now Kasukuwere policy….VIVA ZIMBABWE!!!!

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