Salary Scandal: Harare Town Clerk Mahachi Suspended
30 January 2014
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National_in-the-news-NATIONAL-Local_stripThe Harare Mayor on Thursday suspended for three months the city council’s city mayor Dr Tendai Mahachi for refusing to give the mayor a full schedule of top management local authority’s salaries.
The schedule was however revealed by the press and indicated that Dr Mahachi was earning $37 000 per month.
Clr Bernard Manyenyeni delivered a brief speech of his address to the media at town house Thursday.

7 Replies to “Salary Scandal: Harare Town Clerk Mahachi Suspended”

  1. Mahachi muface waChombo. He owns lots of properties and land in Harare and beyond. He owns as much urban land as Chiyangwa. Saka Benard Manyenyeni haahwinhe. Zanu ndoo iri kutonga, including Harare

  2. At this rate the country will soon be renamed to Republic of Zvimbavha. What happened to conscience? Is this still “milking” a cow when it’s producing drops of blood or it’s “blooding”?

  3. Those people don’t know the value of the USD. There mindset is stuck in the zim dollar. They simply removed the zim dollar sign from the figure and replaced the sign with the USD sign without looking at the value of the figures. When we moved from the Zim dollar to USD everyone should have gone through a currency orientation so that we really appreciate the difference between US$1 and Zim$1.

  4. Selfish people think only abt themselves.These are ridiculous salaries considering the state of the economy.

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