The world ends on Friday 21 October – US Prophet
18 October 2011
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(Washington) A self proclaimed American prophet who was embarrassed earlier this year after his ‘end of the world’ prophecy failed to unfold has declared that the world will come to an end on Friday 21st October 2011.
Harold Camping,who has made 2 failed predictions will make this recent prophecy a third time, which he says the whole world will see. His first prophecy in 1994 did not happen and his recent prophetic oracle on May 21st this year raked in more than 80 million dollars from families who sold their life savings to donate to his project.
The US prophet pays his staff members exorbitant salaries. This year alone, Camping’s organisation was reported be paying its employees $23000 USD per month.
In May, many Christians who believed waited anxiously for the rapture, an undated Biblical prophecy, on the taking away of Christians from the earth before what is viewed by many as the destruction of the world should begin. One woman was reported to have donated her life savings of more than 80 thousand dollars as she waited for the ‘Saturday doomsday’.

“Days before the 21st Oct, Camping’s followers seem to be in a state of nervous anticipation,” writes Barbara Hagerty.
“Nobody has admitted defeat,” says Brandon Tauszik, a documentarian who has been following the movement. He visited Camping’s church in California on Sunday, and it was full.
“The congregation was still very much excited about the approaching date,” he says, “and the sermon was entirely about Oct. 21, which really surprised me.”
Camping has been blasted by Zimbabwean pastors for his prophecy claim.
“I think his interpretations are not right,” Leeds based Rev Anthony Tembo of the Voice Of Revival Church said as he compared Camping’s theory to 500BC prophecies on the birth of Jesus Christ.
“The coming of Jesus had no link to time, it was linked to a season rather than time.”
Camping’s Family Radio church membership is still full despite even using the word “maybe” to describe his prophecy:
“The end is going to come very quietly, probably within the next month,”Camping is quoted as saying.
Tembo said Camping may be erroneously relying on the Roman calendar system currently in use in the world.
“If you try to take the Roman Calendar(which we use) to try to determine an event, you will miss it because our calendar and the Jewish calendar are two completely different things,” he added.
According to the Bible, what Camping refers to ‘the rapture’, is a day when Christians will be ‘taken out of the world’ to heaven before the punishment of evil people should begin. But the Bible does not provide a date and many scriptures say that no man knows the day nor the hour when the Son of Man returns (Matthew 24:36).
Prophecies on the rapture include: 1 Corinthians 15:51 and 1 Thessalonians 4:15-17.
15 According to the Lord’s word, we tell you that we who are still alive, who are left until the coming of the Lord, will certainly not precede those who have fallen asleep. 16 For the Lord himself will come down from heaven, with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. 17 After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will be with the Lord forever.” 1 Thessalonians 4:15-17 (New International Version) (ZimEye, Zimbabwe)

38 Replies to “The world ends on Friday 21 October – US Prophet”

  1. This fool gives christians a bad name, misleading people…..the bible says that in the last days there will be false prophets….SO MAYBE HE IS PART OF THE PROPHECY…HAHA

  2. Well, Well, poor fellow. He has lost his mind no doubt. However, these are the events that fore-run dooms day. If you read your bible you will se that manyt people did this just e the birth of Jesus. This man is doing thois a pointer to people that the end is in process. Death is a process and so is birth and so is the end of the world. The end of the world has actually started. What is happening in the Arab countries and the birth of pains of Amagedon.

  3. Bla Miki, Nancy naBotwell, ichiri nyaya yaAmerican rabhauma here yamuchiri kutaura. Aiwa kani musadaro hama dzangu. Ko kuzotukirana vanamai. Don’t you know that moms are very important, whether dead or alive, sick or in health. Try exchanging blows on your persons not vana mai. Am a man but very very sensitive when mothers are abused like you’re doing. I owe so much to mine. My point is that old man is day-dreaming and people should not live lives based on dreams. Real prophecy does not talk about the world’s end. But is is foretelling and forth telling to edify the body of Jesus Christ (the church).

  4. There is too much weed in America. Jesus told us that the world will come to an end but he (Jesus), himself, could not tell the day nor the hour. An excited individual claims to know. These people want publicity only. In America if you gain public attention and someone makes a film about it the originators of issues get royalties. Just cool money.

  5. Bla kitsi ini ndati ****** yamaiko.Vaikurova nebhukwa kumusana nebhurukwa ravo maiko.Twana tusingazive baba tunohumana stereki mbiti tibvire kumhepo

  6. MARK 13 verse 32 ,”No-one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.

  7. ummmm mava kuda kuvajairira cde bla miki manje,nancy what chii??? iwe ka iwe, behave… do not behave like tsvangirayi akapinda muma elections asingazive kuti mutemo wemitambo yacho yakamira sei, wozodemba watsva j…enn,,de

  8. Kuroorwa nemuZulu zvinoshamisira chiiko iwe chero wakaboorwa nemahwindi before your so called marriage. Botwell, raamai vako rakasasikwa pachena nekuda kwechirwere mwana wembwa hapana zvaunondiita iwe even kana makaita a thousand of your calibre

  9. miki ndokudini ini ndakaroorwa ne musouthafrican kutaura kuno tiiri mumuzansi plus tsuro yakaita sewe ndoidii?stupid .

  10. Stuff All Of This…It’s Not Going To End! Just Cos You Hate Life You Sour Old Bat! We Could Predict The End Of The World Just Like You F–k Tard. Why Do You Go Around Predicting It To End And Causing Lots Of Drama. Get A Life Or Die In A Hole Faggot!

  11. Unoonaka nancy, ini handisini ndakakuboora pamwe nekukupa edzi yakupedza kudaro iyo. Kusviba kunenge mwoyo webere ini handikude ndakadiwa kare namainini kwete chidzoi chinoita sekunge chakamera mazamhu kumusana.

  12. ……Alfred l am ahead of you because I was busy thinkin… if this guy’s death is 21 October … eh will it follow that the day we die is the day we meet Jesus in the clouds? Could this be the reason their is no time for the rapture? But Jesus does not know the day too, Ah let me read my bible again. You see me and you are not like these cheap insulting beings above, we fire with brains and not with the mouth.

  13. Bla Miki you just make me laugh. Ko tswangirai dhemeti mhani, how does he belong to the lunacy of this American conman? The Prime Minister is just having fun with American money sharing it with Thabitha Khumalo and others like the three recently arrested rapists. Chibhanzi but what dirty money vedu wee! I mean the American funds………

  14. muprophet wenhema ngaatibvirepo ashaya zvekuita here?aridze muridzo .Bia miki uri imbwa chaiyo nanga-nanga natsvangirai aitasei? idiot

  15. Tete vakamirira nyaya yavo vari vatatu mushure mekubatwa nemhosva yekubata varume chibharo nekuvatorera hurume hwavo. Tete vanotonzi vaive vazadza 20 litres zvichireva kuti repi iyi yanga yava pa auto express natete. So?

  16. There is nothing wrong with me iwe MUTENGESI CHII. Ndirikupurotesita bhikozi muri kundituka saka BP yangu yakakwira mazuva ano.So?

  17. Americans and their puppets are all decievers. These pigs always want to take the world at ransom and zvekunyeperwa ana tsvangirai ndizvo zvavanoda. Dhemeti mhani

  18. l agree to disagree with what the self-proclaimed prophet is saying. it’s unfortunate that some people had, at one time exhausted their hardly earned savings through his prophecies. My the almighty intervene.

  19. its so stupid to listen to such coz the bible rells us that even Jesus himself doesnt know the day. Ko kuzoti ana Harrold?

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